8 Commonly Used Outdoor Wall Facade Lighting

In this article, we'll talk about the outdoor lighting types commonly used for illuminating architectural buildings and facades.

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A building isn’t just about the materials and designs it’s made of, but also how it’s lit up. You can convert mediocre architecture into stunning art by strategically illuminating specific areas, such as intricate facades, sculptures, or ornamental details.

Facade lighting adds depth and dimension, making the building visually appealing and captivating.

In this article, we will discuss eight awesome outdoor wall facade lighting ideas that can take your facade lighting project to the next level.

Benefits of Outdoor Wall Facade Lighting

Outdoor facade lighting plays a huge role in elevating a building’s aesthetics, security, visibility, and overall ambiance. Here are a few reasons why you should consider facade lighting for your building.

Improves Aesthetics

An aesthetically lit building will attract people compared to a dull and monotonous building. By using various lighting techniques, such as uplighting, downlighting, grazing, or silhouetting, the building can be ambiance transformed into a captivating landmark.

Moreover, facade lighting accentuates the architectural features of the building. If you want to present a specific feature of your building, such as a statue or a logo, facade lighting can achieve that.

Safety and Security

Another major benefit of lighting is enhancing the safety and security of visitors and passers-by. Well-lit areas deter potential intruders and provide a sense of safety for customers and employees. Proper illumination minimizes the risk of accidents, such as slips or falls, theft, vandalism, or other malicious activities, by providing sufficient lighting for pathways, entrances, and exits.

Also, people like to visit and stay longer in safe and secure places for themselves and their families.

Increases Property Value

Well-designed and adequately implemented outdoor lighting enhances the value of your property. It adds an attractive feature for potential buyers or renters when evaluating a space. Outdoor wall facade lighting is an investment that pays off in terms of property worth.


One of the major benefits outdoor facade lighting can provide a business is to reinforce a brand’s identity or promote a message by using specific colors and designs. This can help enterprises to improve brand recognition and leave a lasting impression on viewers.

Urban Revitalization

Facade lighting can contribute to urban revitalization efforts by transforming dull or underutilized areas into vibrant and attractive spaces. It can boost tourism in the city.

The 8 Types of Outdoor Wall Facade Lighting

Let’s get to the main part. Many common types of lighting fixtures are used to light up the facade of a building. Most of them utilize LED lamps for higher efficiency, cost-effectiveness, design versatility, and flexibility to customize the output.

uplights lighting


Uplights, as the name suggests, are installed at the ground level, projecting light in an upward direction. They are commonly used to light up tall buildings and to accentuate the texture of the columns, pillars, and walls. Uplights can create an aesthetically pleasing outlook of the building while creating a sense of depth and dimension.

These lights can be inground, recessed, or surface-mounted.


Downlights provide the same effect as uplights; the difference is they are installed at the top of the wall or on the ceiling and project light in a downward direction.

These lights provide uniform and widespread illumination, effectively lighting up larger surfaces. They can be used to create ambient lighting, ensuring a well-lit environment with even light distribution. Plus, such luminaires provide versatility in terms of beam angles and can be adjusted to focus the light precisely where it is needed.


Another commonly used lighting type for facade lighting is floodlight. These powerful, wide-angle lighting fixtures emit a broad, intense beam of light to illuminate a big space.

What makes floodlights so useful is they are designed to provide extensive coverage, making them ideal for lighting up expansive facades, walls, or outdoor spaces.

By angling floodlights from different directions or using multiple fixtures, striking lighting techniques can be achieved. For example, uplifting a tall structure with floodlights can create a captivating silhouette effect against the night sky. Similarly, cross-lighting from opposite sides can accentuate textures and bring out the three-dimensional aspects of the facade.

Wall Washers

Outdoor facade lighting is incomplete without wall washing. These lights are designed to uniformly light up a wall of the building. The purpose of wall washers is to provide consistent and uniform illumination across a vertical plane. The goal is to create a visually appealing, soft glow that enhances the wall’s texture, color, and architectural features.

wall washers lighting

Wall washers have wide beam angles for wide coverage. They can also be used to hide imperfections in the texture of the walls.

A wall washer can be recessed into the wall, surface-mounted, or track-mounted. Each mounting option provides different aesthetic and practical considerations.

Wall Grazers

Instead of providing an even wash of light like a wall washer, a wall grazer is a type of wall light that produces a narrower, more focused beam of light that runs parallel to the wall. This grazing effect helps accentuate the textures, patterns, or relief details on the wall, creating depth and visual interest.

The light beam can be adjusted and positioned to highlight specific areas or create dramatic effects.

Linear Lights

Linear lights are narrow, linear fixtures that can be mounted horizontally or vertically. They are often used to create clean lines of light, emphasize the building’s shape, or outline specific areas.

By mounting linear lights around the perimeter of architectural features or building edges, they can create an outline or silhouette effect.

Strip Lights

Strip lights are another commonly used lighting type suitable to highlight the corners and edges of a building. You can use it for creating signs and writing a message on your building’s facade.

LED strip lights can also be installed within coves or recessed areas to provide indirect lighting that washes the wall surface with a soft glow. It is excellent for both indoor and outdoor use.

Architectural Projection

Architectural projection is one latest techniques of using projectors to display dynamic images, videos, or animations onto the surfaces of buildings or architectural structures. It is a creative form of visual storytelling that transforms the facade of a building into a canvas for immersive and engaging experiences.

Architectural Projection lighting

Factors to Consider When Choosing Outdoor Wall Facade Lighting

Here are a few factors that you must consider before choosing any of the above-mentioned lighting types:

  • Color Temperatures, Brightness, and Beam Angles

Once you develop a lighting design, you can easily choose the appropriate color temperature, brightness levels, and beam angles that fulfill the lighting requirements and enhance the overall look.

  • Energy Efficiency

In today’s environmentally conscious world, energy saving and efficiency are a top priority. Go for outdoor wall facade lighting that utilizes energy-efficient, and environmental protection technologies like LED lights. These reduce your carbon footprint and result in significant cost savings over time.

LED lights have a long life and require minimum maintenance in the long run compared to traditional lights.

Look for lighting fixtures with high energy efficiency ratings and consider smart lighting solutions that allow you to adjust brightness levels and schedules.

  • Durability and Weather Resistance

Outdoor lighting is exposed to various weather conditions, from scorching heat to heavy rain and extreme cold. It’s crucial to choose lighting fixtures that are built to withstand these elements. Look for durable materials such as aluminum or stainless steel that can resist corrosion. Ensure the fixtures have appropriate weatherproof ratings to ensure long-lasting performance and avoid frequent replacements or repairs.

  • Installation and Maintenance

Consider the ease of installation and ongoing maintenance when choosing outdoor wall facade lighting. Go for fixtures designed for straightforward installation, minimizing disruptions to your business operations. LEDs are the best choice when it comes to minimal maintenance.

Additionally, choose lighting solutions that require minimal maintenance, saving you time and resources in the long run. This could include features such as durable materials, long-lasting lamps, and efficient design that minimize the need for frequent replacements or repairs.

Tips for Effective Placement and Design

  • Analyze the Architectural Features

To effectively place and design facade lights, the first step is to analyze the architectural features and consider the desired effect. You can study the building’s facade and discuss the requirement of the visitors or residents of the building.

  • Use a Combination of Lights

Outdoor building façade lights design

The second step is to select a combination of lights to accentuate different building portions. Use a variety of lights like uplights, wall washers, and grazing lights to create a layered effect.

  • Illuminate Each Portion of the Building

You should consider highlighting entrances and key areas such as parking lots, and experiment with different angles of light projection. Entrances are a major part of a facade or building lighting. Choose the appropriate color temperature and go with energy-efficient LED lights.

  • Develop Maintenance Protocols

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure optimal performance. So, seek professional advice if needed. You can always contact RC Lighting for detailed guidance on your facade lighting project.


Outdoor building façade lights play a crucial role in enhancing the visibility, beauty, and security of a building. You can create dozens of lighting designs using several different lighting fixtures like LED wall uplights, downlights, linear lights, wall washers, and strip lights.

Discover the Perfect Solution for Your Business with RC Lighting

RC Lighting is a one-stop shop for all kinds of outdoor facade lighting.

We can customize your order to suit your requirements and prepare your lights in the shortest lead time.

Choose from our vast catalog of lighting fixtures for interior and exterior décor, available at a highly competitive rate.

RC Lighting is a leading OEM and ODM service provider. Our designers are ready to prepare the best lighting solution for your needs.

Contact us and get a free quote today.

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