LED Swimming Pool Lights: The Definitive Guide

The hunt for LED swimming pool lights doesn’t have to be overwhelming. While there are thousands of options on the market, you can easily narrow them down by knowing the most important things to look for in-pool lights. Before getting into how to buy swimming pool lights and find the best ones, refresh your memory on why you want to buy pool lights in the first place.

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What Are LED Swimming Pool Lights?

LED swimming pool lights are lights that you install underwater in your swimming pool and use LED technology. They are an alternative to halogen pool lights and offer plenty of benefits, thanks to their LEDs.

Swimming Pool Lights

Why Buy LED Swimming Pool Lights

Before choosing LED pool lights, take a minute to remind yourself why you want them. You will get both the benefits of pool lights and those of LEDs. Together, there are dozens of great reasons to install LED lights on your pool if you haven’t already done so.


The best-known advantage of LEDs is their energy efficiency. Compared to halogen or other types of lights, LEDs are several times as efficient. This reduces your electric bill, saving you money over time.

To put the efficiency of LEDs in perspective, consider that an incandescent light would likely need 300 to 500 watts to produce the equivalent light of an LED with about 40 watts.


LEDs also save you money thanks to their durability, with many lasting more than 20,000 hours and some lasting more than a decade. After all, you will have to replace them less frequently than other types of pool lights. That delivers a lower cost per year for the fixtures.

The durability of LED swimming pool lights also adds a high level of convenience. Replacing any light can be annoying, but this is especially frustrating with pools, as you typically have to drain it first. That is an annoying and time-consuming step, but it is necessary from a safety standpoint. In this sense, the longer life span of LEDs gives you one less reason to drain your pool as often.

Reduced Maintenance

That durability extends to the maintenance requirements for LED pool lights, not just their overall life span. This gives you similar benefits to their durability, as it saves you money and the hassle of draining the pool for repairs or maintenance.


No matter the type of pool light you choose, you will be dramatically increasing the safety of your pool. Lighting it up helps prevent people from falling in when it is dark, as they will see the pool. It also means that if someone goes swimming at night or falls in, they will be better able to see their way out of the pool.

Keeping the pool well-lit can even help your local wildlife by preventing them from falling in and drowning.

Use the Pool at Night

Perhaps the most obvious benefit of LED pool lights is that they make it safe and simple to use the pool at night. This is especially true when combining them with other outdoor lights, such as bollard lights or in-ground path lights.

By allowing you to use your pool at night, it becomes more versatile. You can now include it in nighttime gatherings or go for a swim after a long day of work, no matter how dark it is outside.

Less Heat Production

If you are used to traditional light bulbs, you likely expect them to heat up when used for a while. This is not an issue with LEDs as they generate much less heat. This prevents you from accidentally hurting yourself by touching a hot bulb while swimming. It also prevents the bulbs from heating the water more than you would like.

Better Light Quality

Choosing LED lights for your pool instead of halogens or fluorescents will also give you better light quality. You will notice less flickering and that the light is overall steady.

Not only is the light quality better, but LEDs turn on more quickly than incandescent lights. While incandescent lights have a delay before they turn on, LEDs do so nearly instantly.

Colors Available

As you start to look at LED pool lights, you will quickly notice that many are available in various colors and color temperatures. This gives you more versatility by letting you choose lights that match the rest of your landscape or create the type of atmosphere you prefer.

Your Choice of Controls

LED pool lights are available with a range of control options. You can choose to turn them on and off with a switch, choose something that integrates with a smartphone application, or something with a timer.

Your Choice of Type

You will also be able to choose from various styles of pool lights, even if you limit yourself to LEDs. Most will be spotlights or recessed, but there are other options as well.

wireless led pool lights
led pool lights

How to Choose LED Swimming Pool Lights?

With that background in mind, how do you choose LED swimming pool lights? We’ve outlined the most important considerations to keep in mind as you make your selection.

Type of LED Pool Light

One of the first things to consider is whether you prefer the type of LED pool light you want to use. The two most common options are fixed light, typically recessed or mounted to the surface, or spotlights, which typically sit on a swivel base.

Your decision will come down to personal preference. If you want future versatility and more concentrated beams of light, go with the spotlights. If you would rather avoid obstacles and potential injuries in the pool, go with recessed ones.

Whether the Pool Already Exists

If you are building a new pool and installing LED pool lights, you will have more options for types than you would for an existing pool. Most people, for example, prefer to only install recessed pool lights on new pools. Otherwise, you would have to carve out areas for the new lights and their wiring, making matters more complicated.

In general, expect the pool lighting installation process to be more complicated if you already have a pool, but it is still possible. You should just budget a bit more for installation and confirm with an electrician or lighting designer that your vision is possible before buying.

Plan How Many You Need

After deciding the type of LED pool lights you want, your next choice will be to figure out how many you need. This will depend on the size of your pool and how well-lit you want it to be. It will also depend on how much lighting is around the pool. For example, if you have floodlights nearby to illuminate your landscape, just one or two lights may be enough inside your pool. But if you just have some wall washers several meters away, you will want to install more lights in your pool.

Of course, if your pool isn’t in a well-lit area, but you don’t want to install too many lights in it, you can also install more out-of-water lighting for your landscape around it. Bollard lights are a popular option as post lights.

When considering how many lights you need for your pool, don’t forget to account for the shape of the pool as well. A circular pool, for example, may just need a single light at the center. However, with an L-shaped pool, you may need one light in each branch of the “L.” As you plan the lights, make sure that every corner of the pool will be illuminated.

As a rule of thumb, placing fewer lights in a pool is better than installing too many. Having more lights is more complicated and expensive, both upfront and for continuing costs like the electric bill. Despite that, you likely won’t appreciate the difference in lighting or may even feel that it is too bright.

Rated for Pools

Most underwater lights will do well in pools, but you should not assume that a pond light or fountain light works in a pool. There are several important differences at play, namely the chemicals in the pool and its depth. Pool lights are frequently placed further underwater than those in fountains, meaning they have to withstand extra water pressure. Additionally, pools will contain chemicals like chlorine, which can damage certain types of lights.

The good news is that it is simple to avoid issues. Just be sure to confirm with the seller that your chosen lights are appropriate for lighting a pool. You should also look for a waterproof rating of IP68. Ideally, you will confirm the light’s ability to work in pools via reviews or tests, as some less-than-reputable retailers may bend the truth to make a sale.


As you start to plan your LED pool lights, you will also want to think about how bright you want them. This will typically come down to your preferred wattage. Keep in mind that lights seem less bright in water as the water dissipates the beams somewhat. Essentially, if you had two lights with the same wattage but installed one above water and one in your pool, the one in the pool will look dimmer. Keep this in mind and opt for more watts than you think you need.

Color Temperature

If you have never shopped for outdoor lights before, you may not realize how many color temperatures are available for landscape lights. You will have a similar range of options for pool lights. The color temperature is measured in Kelvin and will determine if you have a bright white, a warm white, or another color.

When it comes to color temperature, most pool experts suggest staying away from lights that are too white and bright. Instead, you should typically opt for a shade with a bit of warmth, or that is at least a bit more neutral. This will be more welcoming and less blinding for swimmers and those around the pool.

Controls and Programming

As mentioned, LED swimming pool lights can have a range of control or programming options. The best option will depend on your personal preferences. Some people prefer to easily turn the lights on and off whenever they want with a switch, while others want them to turn on and off automatically via a timer. Neither one is necessarily better than the other.

Fixture Quality

The quality of any lighting fixture is important as you want it to withstand regular use with minimal need for repairs, maintenance, or replacement. This is even more important for LED pool lights, as the lights will be submerged. That makes repairing and replacing them much harder, and choosing a higher-quality light reduces that risk.

There is also a very serious risk of electrocution with low-quality lights. Consider that a low-quality light’s casing could break, exposing the wiring to the water in the pool and creating an electrocution risk. This is not a risk you should ever be willing to take. Avoid issues by going with a higher-quality fixture.

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How to Confirm Fixture Quality?

Saying you should get a high-quality LED pool light is one thing, but how do you confirm that the one you choose is good enough? Pay attention to the manufacturer and reviews. Only buy lights from a manufacturer that comes with certifications and a strong testing process. R&C Lighting, for example, sets an industry standard by subjecting every light to 13 different rigorous tests.

Another good indication of quality is a warranty. The best lights will have warranties, as this shows that their manufacturers are confident that they will not have to replace them.


You have many options to light up your pool, but the best LED swimming pool lights for you will be from a reputable brand, be waterproof, have the controls you want, and be in a style that matches your needs.

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