Why Use Outdoor LED Wall Washer for Architectural Facade?

The most popular reason to use an outdoor LED wall washer is to illuminate an architectural facade - typically a wall. Depending on the mood you want to achieve, the wall washer can produce bright light or a subtle glow. This makes it perfect for enhancing structures and unique architectural designs.

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There are many applications for wall washers. This light fixture emits a wide and uniform brightness. The primary goal is to draw attention to the wall – in whatever form or design it may come. It doesn’t always have to be a flat wall. It can be an entrance, archway, wall filled with windows, etc.

When you use it correctly, LED wall washers can bring the most boring wall to life. This article will describe what wall washers are and how you can effectively use them outdoors.

What is an outdoor LED wall washer?

Simply put, outdoor LED wall washers wash a wall with light. The goal is to bring focus on a vertical surface outdoors. Based on the name, there are a couple of things that you should expect from these lights.

It’s for the outdoors

These wall washers are for outdoor use. That means the lights should be able to withstand the elements. The placement of the light fixture exposes it to both the sun and the rain. Every part of the light fixture should be able to survive the heat of the sun and the pouring rain.

It uses LED technology

Thanks to the features of LED lights, it has become a favorite option for illumination. It’s reliable and very durable. It’s also very cost-efficient. Why? Because you don’t have to keep replacing it. It doesn’t have parts that can burn out – like filaments that are in incandescent light bulbs.

It’s energy-efficient

This is thanks to the LED technology. These lights don’t need to consume a lot of energy to produce the brightness that you’ll need to illuminate a vertical surface. An 8-watt LED light produces the same lumens as a 60-watt halogen light bulb.

outdoor led facade lighting
outdoor led facade lighting

Two lighting techniques for wall washers

There are two ways you can use an outdoor LED wall washer. Your choice between the two will depend on the type of lighting effect you want to achieve.

Wall washing

In wall washing, the light fixtures provide an even distribution of light to give focus to the large smooth surface of a wall. A perfect wall wash can eliminate shadows. You can achieve this if you place the light fixtures at least 12 inches from the wall that it has to illuminate.

This is to help create an illusion of a larger space than what is really there. It makes the vertical surface or the overall structure appear grander. When wall washing, make sure you don’t use it if you want to highlight a specific feature. The goal is to eliminate shadows – not emphasize anything.

Wall grazing

Wall grazing is another lighting technique that uses outdoor wall washers. If the wall washing technique eliminates shadows, wall grazing aims to achieve a different effect. It hopes to showcase the texture of the wall through shadows. You do this by carefully positioning the wall washer close to the wall. It should also light the vertical structure at a narrow angle to achieve the desired effect. The position of the light fixture will determine if the shadows that emerge will be intense or soft.

You have to understand that wall grazing is not just for walls. You can also use it to highlight unique architectural designs and surfaces. It’s also great for highlighting foliage, barks of trees, etc. It is even perfect for stone surfaces, posts, statues, and other outdoor ornaments.

When wall grazing, watch out for walls with a lot of ledges or hangings. You don’t want to create a lot of shadows. Too much darkness in the facade can give off a terrifying vibe.

Reminders when using LED wall washers

Using an outdoor LED wall washer is completely safe. But from a design perspective, there are a couple of things that you should remember.

First, try to avoid lighting reflective surfaces like windows or mirrors. This can produce a glare that might be unpleasant to anyone looking at it.

Also, consider the color of the wall. If it’s a dark surface, you might have to use more lights. After all, it does not reflect light as much as white surfaces do.

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Best ways to use LED wall washers

Now let’s get on to the actual application of these light fixtures. What are the best ways to specifically use outdoor wall washers?

The truth is, designers and artists use these light fixtures in different ways. Some are even testing the boundaries when it comes to how they can use these. But if you want to stick with what is already proven to work beautifully, here are three of the best ways to use wall washers.

Amplify architectural designs

If your wall has architectural designs that you want to amplify, you can use an outdoor LED wall washer to enhance it. The technique you should use is wall washing. It can create an illusion of space. In fact, it can make the facade of your home appear bigger or even imposing.

It works well on large surfaces that require extra lighting so it can attract the eye of those passing by. Whether you want to increase the volume or height of a surface, wall washers can do the trick. Just remember to position it at least 12 inches from the surface that it’s supposed to illuminate.

Highlight unique and incredible structures

If you intend to highlight unique structures that will impress visitors, then use an outdoor LED wall washer and use the wall grazing technique. The goal is to create impressive shadows that’ll highlight the shape of a feature of the wall – like an arch or ledge. It could even be a crawling vine that you want to illuminate.

You can also use the wall washing technique if you want to intensify the structure. It all boils down to where you will position the light fixture. Move it around to see what position allows you to achieve what you want to show.

Accentuate character and textures

Are there curves on the surface of the wall or textures that you want to accentuate? Use outdoor LED wall washers to achieve that. This is great for walls using bricks or overlapping slates.

In this regard, you can choose to use either wall washing and wall grazing. It depends on the look that you want to have. If you have a brick wall and you want to tone down the texture, use the wall washing technique. But if you want a more dramatic effect, then create shadows through wall grazing. Keep the wall washer near the wall to create shadows on the wall or vertical surface.

facade led wall washer
facade led wall washer

Should you use colored wall washers?

Here’s a common question that is quite simple to answer.

You can always choose to use an RGB or RGBW wall washer if it helps you achieve the look that you want your facade design or exterior wall to have. Colors actually bring life to what could have been a boring wall.

You can be as playful as you want with the colors. Some washers allow you to control how the colors change. What’s great about this is you can switch the color highlights to suit events. Like, if you have a party and you want the place to be festive, let the colors change. If you want a relaxing vibe, choose blue.

The changing colors can also match the season. Like if it’s Christmas, you can use the appropriate colors of red and green to add to the festivities of the season. Or if it’s Halloween, then you can opt for darker colors or red hues.

What’s more important is getting a high-quality outdoor LED wall washer. There are more sophisticated lights that give you the option to change the color schemes. These are the ones that allow flexibility in the mood that you can create for your outdoor area.

led wall washer rgb
led wall washer rgb

How to choose LED wall washers

There are certain considerations when you’re shopping for the best outdoor LED wall washers.

First of all, make sure you’re clear on the effect that you want to achieve. This will determine the positioning of the light fixtures against the wall. It will also tell you how many lights you’re going to need – and the wattage too.

You should also consider the other lights that the overall area would need. Using wall washers means the lights will focus on the vertical surface that it’s illuminating. So don’t rely on it to light pathways. You need to choose a specific light fixture for that, like LED bollard lights. Or, if you want to light steps, make sure you have specific LED step lights to keep the steps safe.

Finally, it’s important to choose the company or brand that you’re going to use to get your lights. Make sure you’re getting it from a trusted source. The company should have a good reputation for providing high-quality LED lights.

Remember, you are after quality here. LED lights may be a bit more expensive, but the initial investment is worth it. LED lights are durable and consume less electricity. This makes it the safer and most cost-efficient option.


Using an outdoor LED wall washer can enhance the external features of your property. Depending on the lighting technique that you’ll use, it can amplify a wall or create beautiful shadows. This improves curb appeal tremendously.

If you buy the right type of fixtures, you can control if you want to make the atmosphere lively or subdued. It’s perfect for bringing personality to the outdoor area of the property.

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